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Регистрация: Март 2005

Всего: 2 сообщения

You mean the farm with the guy trapped? I can't figure out how to free him. I tried dynamite. Can't pick the lock.


Edit: Nevermind. I finally discovered how to do it. You should really make the "trigger" points larger from some of the quests as it is difficult to be in the "right place".

Now how do I get the poison in Trapper town? I can't figure out what rock or what to blow up.

(Edited by doodle at 4:45 - 23 Mar., 2005)

Edit (AGAIN): Nevermind. I found what rocks to blow up.

(Edited by doodle at 4:50 - 23 Mar., 2005)

Отправлено: 22:37 - 22 Марта, 2005
Jack Burton

Регистрация: Апр. 2005

Всего: 2 сообщения

can't be bothered to find a transliterator or stickers so please allow me to express my thoughts about NV in English
(not that I have anything personal against the mother tongue, so feel free to reply in Russian, if you will)

This thing you've done here, it's amazing. Don't listen to the whimping - this is the way an RPG is supposed to be. I mean,

1) a single character must not be able to do everything - to each his own. That's what character development is all about.

2)RPG quests are supposed to be something more than mere carrying out of given instructions - otherwise what's the point to them?

3)I agree completely with your no-walkthrough policy.
This is the first time in years I have felt some sort of sense of achievement in an RPG.  

4) There are many other things I liked - drugs & dialogues particularly.

Uhm, continuing playing Fallout 2 after finishing this mod is degrading though.
You must keep working on it. The RPG "market" is dead. Your mod is at this moment the best RPG experience available (forget about the Fall: Last days of Gaia, if you had any illusions about it. I have the Spanish version - the disappointment it brought pushed this sensitive soul to the verge of tears and primal rage ).  

and now, for something completely different, have you noticed that the quest from the Fallout demo (gangs in Junktown) has never been implemented? In any game?
It was a great quest too.
I was also thinking on a town with quests sort of like from that boring movie "the man who shot Liberty Valance" (brief sinopsis: outsider - a lawyer in the movie-, on a higher authority orders, arrives to a frontier town, with the mission to bring the Rule of Law to it).
It would allow for all sorts of different quests depending on the character - (s)he could start a school, be elected as a representative, shoot badguys, attempt to prosecute them, secure the support of the powerful, bring about a revolution of the poor, use his/her tech knowledge to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants...
Plus the character would have to choose for which power in the wasteland s(he) was working.
Redding, which was clearly meant to be a Western frontier town, was a rather poor experience, to say the least.

long post - thanks for reading it through.
much obliged

- "See the cat? See the cradle?"

Отправлено: 6:28 - 13 Апр., 2005

Регистрация: Апр. 2005

Всего: 1 сообщение

I have a problem in Trapper-Town, after night searching for a thief i know than it is a boy. I told about it to the farmer and he reply that after I solve the problem he will help me. The problem is that I can not see any childres. I see notes above their heads (like others NPC) but I can not click on any. So how to find that one?

BTW great mod, can not wait more :D

Отправлено: 13:17 - 15 Апр., 2005

Откуда: Ivanovo
Регистрация: Май 2003

Всего: 502 сообщения

2 Jack Burton:
Thank you for moral support. Your ideas about western frontier town are interesting. They are full of spirit of the wasteland.
But at the moment TeamX is working at another project, not a Fallout 2 modification.
And we are failed of people.

And sorry for my awful english.

(Отредактировал(а) Perceptron - 13:36 - 15 Апр., 2005)

Отправлено: 13:35 - 15 Апр., 2005
Jack Burton

Регистрация: Апр. 2005

Всего: 2 сообщения

You have the UK version of the game. You need to download the children's patch:

By the way, now you will be able to do quests that you couldn't before in the original game.

Also, you don't have to start a new game.

It's great that you are working on something, whatever it is. hmm, I guess you probably need to take a rest from Fallout. However, should you decide to do something more on Fallout and you find yourselves in need of an extra translator, drop me a line @ igoratgt@gmail.com
ah, I also look at the Russian thread on NV regularly, so you can reply to me in Russian there (excuse me for being a lazy bastard, but sooner or later I will dig up the stupid cyrilic stickers out of somewhere... )

- "See the cat? See the cradle?"

Отправлено: 16:05 - 15 Апр., 2005

Откуда: Ivanovo
Регистрация: Май 2003

Всего: 502 сообщения

>hmm, I guess you probably need to take a rest from Fallout.

The keyword is "modification". I mean "working at another project, a new game on Fallout 2 engine". Sorry for desinformation.
I consider that "modification" is "slightly changed old game".

>in need of an extra translator, drop me a line @ igoratgt@gmail.com

Thank you for suggestion. TeamX won't forget you. [ill-omened laugh] Ha-ha-ha!

>ah, I also look at the Russian thread on NV regularly, so you can reply to me in Russian there.

Ok, I understand.

Отправлено: 17:39 - 15 Апр., 2005

Регистрация: Апр. 2005

Всего: 2 сообщения

Quote: from Wasteland Ghost on 14:51 - 25 Feb., 2005
Use not strength, but technical skills and material at hand .

(Addition of 15:19 - 22 April, 2005.)

What technical skills and material in hand ???

Отправлено: 15:17 - 22 Апр., 2005

Регистрация: Апр. 2005

Всего: 2 сообщения

I got it ! :-)

Отправлено: 0:50 - 23 Апр., 2005

Регистрация: Апр. 2004

Всего: 7 сообщений

Greetings to TeamX and to Wasteland_Ghost especially (I hope you didn't forgot me),

all I wanted to say is that you made an outstanding job. Congratulations! There remains a hope you guys will enjoy the Mutants Rising mod the same way we enjoy NV now...

One question: what can be done with Emily in Klamath? I didn't manage to make her work for the Big Nose Sally... What's her purpose in the mod?

Ghost Recon: BTK mod
Fallout2: Survivor MOD homepage

Отправлено: 1:10 - 1 Мая, 2005
Wasteland Ghost
Маленькое Злое Привидение

Откуда: Россия, Самара
Регистрация: Дек. 2002

Всего: 2251 сообщение

Hi! I still hope that you will return some day ;). Work didn't done, but that project is still alive... and now with me as leader ;). Now we have clear planes about that work and lot of scetches, but we don't have somebody to paint this ;).

About Emily... You have to be as much charismatic and considerate as it possible ;). An she will give you all you want ;).

PS Arrr :). Again my poor english :).

Отправлено: 10:02 - 3 Мая, 2005

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