I'm in the Glow. After repairing the generator, when I go back to Zax and activate the Main Power of the facility, I check the option to deactivate the bots.
I can see a "Error" message on the "Display Monitor" after clicking on the option. If I look at the player screen, I can see that the 100 PX are added, although the info is not visible on the "Display Monitor" either.
Is this normal?
Well, after looking at the ZAX.int with FSE on the the unofficial v1.3.5, has a 213 line that is not in the ZAX.MSG file. This is the line that shows the 100 PX on the "Display Monitor", and the "Error" message dissapears.
if (op_local_var(10) == 0) then
-> op_display_msg(op_msg_string(312, 213));
op_set_local_var(10, 1);